Fixed: HUGE bug in release 7 resulting in broken top level story generation. Please do not use Release 7 any more. Release 8 includes all fixes from Release 7.
Fixed: User could not edit the first shared trait of either Characters or Environments.
Fixed: Missing character, environment, plot point, and plot fragment icons in some windows.
Fixed: Unable to create new objects (characters, environments or plot points) within a step of a plot fragment, on Mac OS X
Fixed: Hidden/truncated buttons and entry fields on Mac OS X
Improved: Plot points created within a plot fragment step can now have a user-specified name, to allow for more than one plot point of the same type in a story world
Improved: Creating a new calculation variable or new character, environment, or plot point now checks to see if there are already variables of that name in the current plot fragment.
Improved: Renamed “Plot Points” to “Plot Point Types” in main window, to clarify that, in the main window, you can only edit what TYPE of data is inside a Plot Point, not an actual instance of one. Actual editing of instances is relegated to plot fragment steps.
Improved: Wide Ruled now notifies the user of duplicate names of Character Aspirations/Fears, Character and Environment Traits and Relationships, and Plot Point attributes.